Limited Liability Company (PT)

I. Definition of Limited Liability Company (PT) 

Limited Liability Company (PT), formerly known as Naamloze Vennootschaap (NV), is an alliance to run the business, which have consisted of capital stock, which has a part owner of the shares owned. Because capital is comprised of stocks that could be sold, changes in corporate ownership can be done without the need to liquidate the company. Meanwhile, according to Prof.. Soekardono, Limited Liability Company is a special print unions which are aimed at obtaining economic benefits. Limited liability company is a corporation and the capital of the company listed in the statute. Corporate wealth is separate from the personal assets so that business owners have their own property. Each person can have more than one proof of ownership of shares of the company. Shareholders have limited liability, ie shares held. If the company's debt exceeds the assets of companies, then the excess debt is not the responsibility of the shareholders. If the company gets profit then the profits are distributed in accordance with the terms defined. Stock owners will get a share of the profits called dividends are dependent on large-tiny profit limited liability company. Apart from shares, capital of PT could also come from bonds. Gains derived by the owners of the bonds is that they get a fixed rate regardless of profit or loss is a Limited Liability Compani....Continue Click Download

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