With today's technological advances influenced the economic and social life affect human civilization. In the business of buying and selling via the internet, not foreign because of financial and economic system similar to the contemporary economy by using a Debit Card and Credit Card as a payment instrument which facilitates the sale and purchase transactions via the Internet.
Sale and purchase transactions usually occur qabul a final offer, final offer as the word of the seller and buyer qabul as saying. if the final offer has been stated in a contract qabul buying and selling, then the ownership of goods or money has changed hands from its original owner. Items purchased become the property changed hands the buyer, and the exchange rate / money changed hands belong to the seller.
In modern-day embodiment of consent and qabul no longer spoken, but done with an attitude of taking / select items and pay by wire transfer of money from the buyer, as well as receive money hand over the goods by the seller without any utterance by way of goods in a message sent to the home buyer. For example, buying and selling which took place on the internet. In Islamic fiqh, buying and selling is called with bai'al mu'athah.
Even the sale and purchase via the Internet increasingly to enjoy doing community because of the many convenience in getting as well as the following:
1. Ease of purchase and sale transactions, we can do from the house without having to come into his shop direct
2. Easy payment system using a Debit Card or Credit Card
3. We buy clothes that are sent to our homes, in accordance with our purchase orders via the internet.

 Conditions of Sale and Purchase Agreement Clothes Via Internet
1. Terms saheeh is provided in accordance with the substance of the agreement, support and strengthen the substance of the covenant and the righteousness of Personality ', in accordance with the customs of society' urf.
Example: In a sale and purchase of the goods sold via the Internet proposed by the seller, the terms the right to vote (khiyar) and conditions in accordance with 'urf, and the warranty.
 Akad The Used Buy Clothes In Via Internet
1. Akad conditional (ghairu munjiz) or Aqad Mu'alaq is covenants contained in the implementation of the conditions specified in the Aqad.
Example: Determination of delivery of the goods diakadkan in buying and selling clothes via the Internet after the payment of money by using a Debit Card or Credit Card.
In this case, the Quran has many references to perdangangan and commercial activities as examples of Qur'anic verses that support this statement is: "O people who reduce the size and weight considerations limiting the rights of others" (83:1).
"O ye who believe do not exhausting the stuff itself that is inappropriate unless it perdangangan among you, who gather each other and do not kill yourself do not kill each other. Percalah, God is gracious unto you "(4:29).
What is more down / attack for the dignity of prophethood not apply again for 14 centuries ago, is teaching of Islam has been realized? from what is usually known as data perdangangan setting it in justified by the fact that the religion of Islam split into 4 main sections within the law, fiqh al-mu `amalat business transactions such as fiqh Islam mu` amalat. It's not important to talk about the many provisions of Islamic law to, maintenance of efficient wealth, however, describe the purpose of his research functions of the business transactions and commercial activities of perdangangan Islam, more specifically whether Islam provides trading services via the internet? truth of all the starters, our famous Sunnah, deeds of the Prophet, in some aspects of advising some of the quality of the bid price by buying and selling via the internet, privileges, accurate and honest, easy, fun tool for life, which tied the standard, fast, effective price, and other. Prophet Muhammad. Said:
"God's mercy and compassion sprinkled in people who have a tolerance of soft, both when buying and selling".
Even so, a number of serious shortcomings such as the validity of building field "Buy Via Internet", special, short sales, and eliminate the certainty delivery from hand to hand does not necessarily need to evidentiary issues relating to law and more. According to an analysis, found that Muslims accept the procurement of buying and selling via the Internet as a new way of technology to facilitate economic transactions.
Based on the value of a legitimate Islamic law, which is mandatory, recommended, should be allowed dicelah / left, is prohibited. In interviews conducted by Ustad Musatafa with Omar, he said that Islam does not prohibit the sale and purchase via the internet, instead of Islam basically supports the buying and selling via the Internet as one way of new business creation he further explained from the traditional procurement of general business face to face directly, but now many people are connected together in a computer network. In the event of a tied up in business do not have to meet in person, they still need to do a deal. However, he added that if the number of focusing on the procurement of buying and selling via the internet is a moral point of view which leads to more easily calculated and responsible trade. Like, little issues that might be handed when discussing matters related to Islam perinsip in flying businesses.


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